3 min read
It is past one o’clock in the morning and I just finished watching the movie King Arthur. It is National Heroes’ Day and I am taking the holiday off.
I thought of watching another movie but I do not think I can take another 1.5 hours of continuous exposure to radiation from a 55-inch LED screen. So, I am settling for an IPAD screen instead and decided to write a random blog. Let me just pretend that the blue radiation I am getting from this smaller screen would make things better. Duh.
So, how do I find the movie King Arthur? I guess this entry is not so random after all. The heck it is a movie review! Hahahaha

Well, let me just put it this way. I have always been fascinated by the story of King Arthur, Excalibur and Camelot. So, as a disclaimer, this sort of movie review is going to be biased. Lol.

As a child, I still remember goofing around with a sword and pretending I was Arthur and I had Merlin as a friend and his magic.
So here goes… I got so engrossed in the first 2 minutes of the movie that I had to press ‘pause’ to go downstairs to buy my favorite Granny Goose Tortillos (yung red) and a bottle of Fit ‘n Right (yung apple flavor). I could not go on without munching something.
Suffice to say that I liked the movie. I have always been a fan of epic slash saga movies anyway which explains my obsession to the HBO series ‘Game of Thrones’. I can not wait for the Season 7 Finale tomorrow. I have been trying to avoid getting on social media to avoid spoilers.

Oh and by the way, Aidan Gillen, the actor who plays ‘Littlefinger’ in GOT happens to be a protagonist in King Arthur. To be honest, I did not expect that Aidan could play a goody-goody because he has been so effective in playing that lying P.I.T.A. Littlefinger but he delivered.

Before I drift away to Westeros, back to Camelot. Lol. So, I also noticed that Charles Hunnam, the one who plays King Arthur, has a striking resemblance to Channing Tatum. I actually thought it was Channing at first. Take a look at their photos below. I put them side by side to prove my point.

The movie has the same plot as the classic. What can we expect? I mean, they can only change the storyline so much. I am pretty sure they wanted to keep it very close to what most people of my generation have grown to love. They had to use special effects, convincing production design and remove Merlin from it to cater to the younger generation and instead put a Mage to serve as a ‘love’ interest for the up and coming Born King. I wonder when in Arthur’s timeline will Guinevere and Lancelot come in? I guess there is going to be a part 2.
Will I recommend the movie to others? Yes. Will I watch the movie again? Maybe. I am working on a project and might refer to it on how they did some of the special effects in the final fight scene.
Finally, I am feeling the need to doze off. I guess this blogging before bedtime works and might just become a habit. What do you think about this review? Perhaps, I should go technical in my future reviews, huh? Let me know.
Signing out for now. Peace!